1341 Operation matters of the steel frame rolling mill - China Roll Forming Machine, Steel Water Tank Machine, Steel Silo Rollformer, Suppliers, Manufacturers, Factory - J&R

Operation matters of the steel frame rolling mill


The operation of the steel frame mill is related to the safe operation of the equipment and the safety of the operators. The following are some key operation matters:

1. Safety preparation:

Operators must wear conforming labor protection supplies, such as safety helmet, protective shoes, gloves, etc.

Do not bring any items that may cause accidents into the work area, such as mobile phones, keys, etc.

2. Equipment inspection:

Before the operation, we must ensure that the steel frame rolling mill is in the normal working state, and check whether the screws and parts are loose or worn.

Check and assemble the necessary protective devices and tools to ensure that they are left intact.

3. Operation process:

Strictly follow the steps in the operation manual, and do not act without authorization.

Before starting the mill, confirm the safety of the surrounding environment and ensure that there are no workpieces and sundries on the equipment.

Stay focused during operation and do not leave or perform activities unrelated to work.

4. Handling:

Once the equipment abnormality or fault is found, immediately stop operation and notify relevant personnel to handle.

During troubleshooting, the steps in the operation manual must be followed, and the safety operation procedures shall be strictly observed.

5. Operation end:

After the operation, locate the mill and turn off all power supplies to clean and maintain the equipment.

Special attention is paid to the maintenance of the electrical equipment to ensure the safety and stability of the equipment.

In short, the operation of the steel frame mill must strictly follow the safety procedures and operating procedures to ensure the safety of the equipment and operators.